Tell us about Off the Record, and who it’s for?
Off The Record is a virtual two-day event which will cover essential topics for 16-25 year olds considering a career as a musician or in the industry. Organised by a young team of creatives in the same age range as the target audience, it will take place on 4-5 December and includes interactive workshops, panels, Q&As, networking sessions and an opportunity to submit music for feedback. How do I get started if I want to record an EP?
We have a couple of great panels which will help you on your journey to recording and releasing, from our panel on the best ways to collaborate remotely featuring tips from Rosie Bans and Ross from Fatherson to our guide to releasing digitally with EmuBands there's loads which will help you find your way. If I’m a musician and I write songs but don’t sing- how should I try and find a band that will perform my songs?
Come to our event! There's loads of chances to network and find like minded people to work with, make sure you organise some one-on-one sessions with those you're particularly interested in working with. Is it more difficult for women in the music industry?
Our line-up is full of amazing women who work in music - in fact we have more women speaking than men! Come meet them and find out more about their experiences so far. I want to get into making soundtracks for film. Where do I get started?
We have some brilliant panels for this too, to get the answers you need make sure you attend the Making Money from your Music Online panel and our guide to music publishing as that's key for sync licencing. We have a workshop on publishing too, run by MCPS - make sure you snap up a place as spots are limited.
I want to write songs in Gaelic but I don’t know anyone my age (18) writing Gaelic songs, what advice would you give me for getting started and finding an audience.
We've got loads of students from UHI attending our event, lots of whom will have experience in this area, come join us to network and find collaborators for the future.
Making and recording music is so expensive, do you have any tips? Anyway of raising funds?
Oh we've got the perfect panel for you! We know that raising funds for your work can be difficult so we've invited PRS Foundation, Help Musicians and Creative Scotland to give you a quick overview of the opportunities for funding that they have, just make sure you attend our How To Get Funding For Your Work panel. It might also be worth checking out the tips from the 'How To Make Money From Your Music Online panel too. I used to practice with my friends, but since the coronavirus we have not been able to...How can we keep developing new music?
There's loads of great ways to develop your work and practice your skills through the internet now, make sure you catch our Collaborating remotely panel for tips on how that might work and join our collaboration workshop too, we'll be getting people together in groups to discuss the best ways of working together that they've seen so far and helping them form connections for future collaborations.
For further information about the event visit the Off The Record website here;